This is a participatory blog. Whoever wants to can submit photos of mailboxes (in .jgp) to the email address indicated below. Submissions must include the name of the photographer (or nickname), the place where the photo was taken (city, country) and image date (month and year, or at least year). The webmaster of the blog may discard the photos that do not meet the minimum quality conditions.

Este es un blog participativo. Quien lo desee puede enviar sus fotos de buzones (en formato .jgp) a la dirección de correo electrónico que se indica abajo. Ha de mencionar el nombre del fotógrafo (o su seudónimo), el lugar donde se ha tomado la foto (localidad, país) y fecha de la imagen (mes y año, o al menos año). El webmaster del blog podrá descartar las fotos que no reúnan las condiciones de calidad mínimas.

Ceci est un blog participatif. Celui qui le souhaite peut présenter des photos de boites aux lettres (format .jpg) à l’adresse électronique indiquée ci-dessous. Le nom du photographe (ou pseudonyme), l’endroit où la photo a été prise (ville, pays) et la date de l’image (mois et année, ou au moins l’année) doivent être indiqués. Le webmaster du blog peut rejeter les photos qui ne remplissent pas les conditions de qualité minimum.

In questo blog ognuno può partecipare. Chi vorrà, potrà inviare delle foto di buche o cassette (formato .jpg) all’indirizzo elettronico che si trova sotto. Ogni invio dovrà arrivare accompagnato dal nome (o il pseudonimo) del fotografo, il luogo dove è stata scattata la foto (città o villaggio, Paese) e la data dell’immagine (mese e anno, o almeno l’anno). Il webmaster del blog potrà rifiutare le foto che non avranno una qualità minima.

Aquest blog és participatiu. Qui vulgui pot enviar les seves fotos de bústies (en format .jgp) a l'adreça de correu electrònic que s'indica a sota. Haurà d'indicar el nom del fotògraf (o el seu pseudònim), el lloc on s'ha fet la foto (localitat, país) i la data de la imatge (mes i any, o almenys l'any). El webmaster del blog podrà descartar les fotos que no reuneixin les condicions de qualitat mínimes.

27 November 2024

SANT FELIU DE CODINES (Catalunya), Spain

SANT FELIU DE CODINES (Catalunya), Spain.
Carrer del Camí de Can Bosch.

Foto / Photo © Albert Lázaro-Tinaut, 10.2024.

INDONESIA. Mailbox. Postage stamp issued in 2023


Mailbox. Postage stamp issued in 2023.
Postmark: Malang / 59. 26.01.2024.

(Merci à Daniel.)

RUSSIA. Mailboxes. Postage stamp issued in 2024


Postage stamp issued on 25.01.2024.

(Gràcies a en Josep i l'Assumpta.)

TAIWAN. Souvenir sheet issued in 2024


Souvenir sheet issued on 29.10.2024 with stamps of personal greetings.

07 November 2024

GIBRALTAR. Pillar Box. Postage stamp issued in 2016, and postmark (2019)


Pillar Box King George VI.
Postage stamp issued in 2016, and postmark of the Main Post Office (2019).

(Merci à Daniel)

GIRONA, Catalunya, Spain

Carrer de Pedret, 1.

Foto / Photo © Albert Lázaro-Tinaut, 3.2024.

GIRONA, Catalunya, Spain

Carrer de la Rosa, 9.

Foto / Photo © Albert Lázaro-Tinaut, 3.2024.

GIRONA, Catalunya, Spain

Carrer de la Rosa, 5.

Foto / Photo © Albert Lázaro-Tinaut, 3.2024.

GIRONA, Catalunya, Spain

Carrer de la Rosa, 4.

Foto / Photo © Albert Lázaro-Tinaut, 3.2024.

BLANES (Catalunya), Spain

Carrer de l'Esplanada del Port nº 117.

Foto / Photo © Albert Lázaro-Tinaut, 6.2024.

BLANES (Catalunya), Spain

Carrer Ample, 10.

Foto / Photo © Albert Lázaro-Tinaut, 6.2024.

BLANES (Catalunya), Spain

Carrer del Dr. Xavier Brunet, 3.

Foto / Photo © Albert Lázaro-Tinaut, 6.2024.

BELARUS. Postage stamp issued in 2024: "Postbox – source of joy"


Postage stamp issued on 01.03.2024.
Postbox – source of joy.

21 February 2024

ROMA, Italy. Museo Storico delle Poste e delle Telecomunicazioni

ROMA, Italy.
Museo Storico delle Poste e delle Telecomunicazioni.


The Historical Museum of Posts and Telecommunications is located in Via Europa No. 160, Rome.
The museum, which is divided into 22 sections with approximately 4,000 square meters of exhibition space, was inaugurated in its current location in 1982, but its original nucleus was born from the collection started in 1878 by the Italian general director of telegraphs, Ernesto D'Amico.

OURENSE, Galiza, Spain. Mailbox painted with the colors of the Spanish Republic (2014)

OURENSE, Galiza, Spain.
Mailbox painted with the colors of the Spanish Republic (2014).

(Source: La Región Newspaper, Ourense.)